The inventory pending transactions can be found using below navigation
Inventory --> Transactions --> Pending Transactions.
Alternately directly in table, MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP
The transaction modes have following meaning
NULL or 1: Online Processing
Online processing is used by the Oracle Applications to immediately process records. This does not require that a concurrent program be run. The Transaction Manager does not process transactions marked for online processing.
2: Concurrent Processing
Transactions marked as concurrent transaction mode are processed by a dedicated transaction worker to explicitly process a set of transactions. The Transaction Manager does not process transactions marked for concurrent processing.
3: Background Processing
Interface transactions marked for Background processing will be picked up by the transaction manager polling process and assigned to a transaction worker. These transactions will not be processed unless the transaction manager is running.
8: Internal Processing
Transaction mode 8 is not a mode normally visible to the user as it is used for internal processing. Transactions with this mode are not visible in the Pending transactions form. Transaction_mode of 8 is used internally to identify if records came from the interface table to the pending table or came directly into the pending table.
Some useful oracle support notes:
Master Note for Inventory (Doc ID 1192649.1)
Note 568012.1 - FAQ: Inventory Standard Datafixes
Note 1472074.1 - Inventory Standard Datafix Instruction #17: Fixing Duplicate Sales Order Transactions In MTI, MMTT and MMT
Note 1177935.1 - for Inventory and WIP transactions
Inventory --> Transactions --> Pending Transactions.
Alternately directly in table, MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP
The transaction modes have following meaning
NULL or 1: Online Processing
Online processing is used by the Oracle Applications to immediately process records. This does not require that a concurrent program be run. The Transaction Manager does not process transactions marked for online processing.
2: Concurrent Processing
Transactions marked as concurrent transaction mode are processed by a dedicated transaction worker to explicitly process a set of transactions. The Transaction Manager does not process transactions marked for concurrent processing.
3: Background Processing
Interface transactions marked for Background processing will be picked up by the transaction manager polling process and assigned to a transaction worker. These transactions will not be processed unless the transaction manager is running.
8: Internal Processing
Transaction mode 8 is not a mode normally visible to the user as it is used for internal processing. Transactions with this mode are not visible in the Pending transactions form. Transaction_mode of 8 is used internally to identify if records came from the interface table to the pending table or came directly into the pending table.
Some useful oracle support notes:
Master Note for Inventory (Doc ID 1192649.1)
Note 568012.1 - FAQ: Inventory Standard Datafixes
Note 1472074.1 - Inventory Standard Datafix Instruction #17: Fixing Duplicate Sales Order Transactions In MTI, MMTT and MMT
Note 1177935.1 - for Inventory and WIP transactions