Steps to reprocess the stuck records in ra_interface_lines_all
1. Make sure Auto Invoice program is not running
2. Clear the flags from ra_interface_lines_all
UPDATE ra_interface_lines_all
SET interface_line_id = NULL,
customer_trx_id = NULL,
request_id = NULL,
link_to_line_id = NULL,
interface_status = null
WHERE NVL (interface_status, 'x') != 'P';
3. Re-run AutoInvoice.
Refer below note for more details:
Troubleshooting AutoInvoice: "Stuck in the Interface" issues: Interface line not created in AR and no error is showing in the interface (Doc ID 1146573.1)
1. Make sure Auto Invoice program is not running
2. Clear the flags from ra_interface_lines_all
UPDATE ra_interface_lines_all
SET interface_line_id = NULL,
customer_trx_id = NULL,
request_id = NULL,
link_to_line_id = NULL,
interface_status = null
WHERE NVL (interface_status, 'x') != 'P';
3. Re-run AutoInvoice.
Refer below note for more details:
Troubleshooting AutoInvoice: "Stuck in the Interface" issues: Interface line not created in AR and no error is showing in the interface (Doc ID 1146573.1)